The Shopra Indians live in small family units, not in a village. They are all strong muscular people. "Burning a monkey" - One of their chief meals is monkey meat.
The native drink is a yellowing vaugely alcoholic liquid which they drink after every meal.
Living in the jungle is a full time occupation. The day starts about an hour before dawn. Hunting is dangerous and difficult. The Jaguar is a real threat along with the anaconda.
Shep performs with the Jews Harp, Kazoo, and Nose flute, and they wind up playing in a duet. The Chief says they are the first people to come to paticipate with the tribe. They loved being entertained.
Lee Chamberlain - Luden's rep
Sol Potemkin - photographer
Doris Cox - Translator
Tariri - Chief of the tribe
Arushba (sp?) Chief's son
Audio Links:
• Barry Farber tells the story at the FOTR convention - 10-20-2000 -